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Gaming: the Good, the Bad & the Lonely

Gaming Guidance for Parents: Balancing Fun and Safety in the Digital World

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 650 Canadian dollars
  • Customer's Place

Service Description

Gaming: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly Gaming is a big part of all of our lives; from grocery loyalty 'points' to the immersive, social parallel lives we live. This is especially important when considering how our children game. Gaming is a powerful force with both risks and threats to youth—socially, and developmentally—AND with positive opportunities for therapeutic healing and meaningful engagement. It's important to see and balance all these factors. This workshop is designed for parents and caregivers to deepen their understanding of gaming's role in their children's lives. It explores the benefits and risks associated with gaming, covering topics from its impact on cognitive and social development to potential dangers like excessive screen time and exposure to inappropriate content. Participants will learn strategies for promoting healthy gaming habits and receive resources to effectively manage and guide their children's gaming experiences. TOPICS GAMING Overview: - Understand the definition and scope of 'gaming' and its presence in various aspects of daily life. - Learn about gamification and the psychological effects gaming has on our brains. - Explore the positive aspects of gaming, including its pro-social and educational uses. CONCERNS and Recommendations: - Recognize the potential risks of exposure to strangers through gaming platforms. - Discuss guidelines for determining appropriate screen time and understanding the signs of excessive gaming. - Identify the types of inappropriate content children may encounter in games and the potential impacts. SOLUTIONS! - Acquire practical parenting tips and resources for promoting healthy gaming habits. - Learn how to engage with and supervise children's gaming experiences to ensure a safe and positive environment. After participating in this workshop, attendees will gain access to a specialized webpage filled with resources tailored to support and enhance their understanding of gaming's impact on children. The page will include: TOOLS - Assessment Quizzes for Gaming Addiction: Interactive quizzes to help parents assess and manage their children's gaming habits. - Parental Control Suggestions: Comprehensive guides and recommendations for implementing parental controls to manage gaming activities. Dive into the world of gaming with a balanced perspective in our workshop, Gaming: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly. Designed for parents and caregivers, this session offers a dee

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