Join Merlyn Horton and other local experts in the field at the launch of “Extreme Mean: Trolls, Bullies and Predators Online” a book by best selling author and journalist Paula Todd on June 16th. A new book by best-selling author Paula Todd etitled ‘Extreme Mean’ about online conflict will be launched in Vancouver on June 16th. Todd consulted extensively with B.C.’s SafeOnline’s Executive Director, Merlyn Horton about her thoughts on youth, cyberabuse and holistic approaches to creating safer environments online for children, youth and parents. |
Merlyn Horton contributed as an expert voices in the book which also include some of the most respected international ‘cyber-bullying’ and online culture experts of today; Justin Patchin and Sameer Hinduja, danah boyd, Dan Olweus, Jennifer Shapka, John Suler, Tim Berners-Lee and Mitchell, Finkelhor, Jones and Wolak.
The book offers a thoughtful look at the conflicts and influences that have contributed to the sometimes relentless victimization of innocent children and adults online.
Included is commentary on the Amanda Todd case, the Rebecca Black case, the current initiative in Canadian law reform, Anonymous, hackers, many personal accounts and interviews.
The Vancouver book launch will be in Vancouver on June 16th at the Book Warehouse at 4118 Main St